Friday, April 23, 2010

Entry Five

Age, is it really have restrictions? When is the limit of age.

Juan is one of those people, you know the obessed by age. I am only two years younger then him in my last semester of High School, but he makes me feel like im this 10 year old girl he is ashamed of.

Yes he has told me he was ashamed of the fact i was still in highschool, maybe not in those words but you know. He says I need to focuse on my studies instead of thinking about him all the time and talking to him. Can't he see how impossible that is when he is always on my mind? Maybe my grades have suffered a bit but thats my own doing of lack of interest and issues in my life. Could you write and Essay on a quote when your two worried about not having a place to go in two months when your father moves into an Old person trailer park? Didnt think so.

Yesturday was our 10 months, or as we put is 5/6, if you can do the math that 10 months out of 12. Even though we barley talked, it was sadly one of our better month anniversaries. We didn't fight with is only thing that made it good. Since Juan worked and I was at school. I am fully aware that our schduals will be filled with other things then us talking with him going back to in school classes in college and his work and I am taking the year off to work full time at a Zoo. I am afraid what the future holds.

The only good thing about the future is near the beining of summer Juan is paying for me to come down and see him and meet his parents, its a little nerv racking seeing how they mostly speak spanish, and I only know a few love line Juan and taught me. I only wish for the best.

Oh how i can't wait to be in his arms, stealing all his kisses and spending the night in his arms or staying up all night under the stars. Just thinking about it, takes my breath away


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